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Personal - CLOSED
Commercial - OPEN
Prices listed include full commercial use. No extra commercial fee is applied.
These are base prices. All prices can increase depending on complexity, project requirements and specifications, etc.
Currency used is USD.
Full Illustration
Illustrations with one or more characters, with a drawn or complex background.
Done with full soft shading.
price: $1500
Character Illustration
Illustrations with one or more characters, with a simple or transparent background.
They can be fully shaded or done with a simpler cel shading style.
Price: Fb $1000/Hb $800
Cel shading -20%
Animated Illustration
Full illustration with simple/looping animation, for loading screens, showcases, etc.
Both the art and animation are included.
Price: $2000+
Chibi Illustrations with simple cel shading.
Can include a simple background.
Price: $350
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